Types of Therapy: Psychotherapy (also referred to as 'counseling') can take place in a variety of formats. Individual therapy, family therapy, couples therapy, group therapy and any combination of these can make up your or your loved one's treatment plan. Counseling can include premarital counseling, counseling for parents, teens, young adults, grief counseling or divorce counseling. These are just a few examples. We will come up with a unique plan that best fits your needs.
Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy can help you work through a variety of challenges you may be facing. Depression, anxiety, extreme stress, self doubt, grief/loss, trauma ... these are just a few. Individual Therapy is typically once per week for 1 hour although there is no right or wrong amount or frequency of sessions. You, as the client, choose how often you'd like to meet. My suggestion to clients is that they at least commit to 6 - 8 sessions initially. It typically takes about this long to really start experiencing some resolution, relief, and progress.
Family Therapy
Family Therapy: Families come in all shapes and sizes. Your family may be you and your spouse/significant other, parents and children, or whomever you deem as your "family". Families of all types sometime get out of balance. This could be due to some type of trauma or due to one of the family members exhibiting or expressing distress. Distress can manifest itself in a variety of forms: physical symptoms, emotional changes/symptoms, adverse actions like self-harm or the threat of self-harm, and substance abuse. When this happens families need to band together and tackle this as a team approach. Family therapy can be extremely dynamic and healing.
Children & Teens
Children/Teens: Our children can bring us tremendous joy and tremendous sadness. As a parent myself, I know how much it hurts when our child is hurting. Children and teens can present a variety of challenges from toddlerhood through teenager-hood! Each developmental stage requires a different set of "tools" from parents. Therapy with children/teens is typically a combination of individual and family therapy. Sometimes (not always) the best way for me to help a child is to provide support and assistance to the parent(s). Parenting is difficult for all of us! You're not alone!
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